Thursday, July 27, 2017

New beginnings

  I don't really know what it is about this time of year that always seems to get me ready to branch out and try new things. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I am a teacher and student at heart. Back to school time means unlimited potential. It is a new year, with new kids, new friends, and new opportunities. Inside my soul, I feel like this time just seems right to "reinvent" myself to find new passions and to take chances.
  Last year at this time, I started with an amazing company that I had seem so many people have great success with. I knew the products were reputable. The business model was sound, and I had what it took to make it work. I felt like I did all the right things. I prayed, I took the advice of my leaders, my sponsor was amazing, and I had the best team out there for support. I knew that I was making the right choice stepping on board with this company. I still know that...except my journey did not look like my friends. I did find some success. I did have support. I did have the ability. I could have been successful and still encourage people to take a chance on this company and their products. What I didn't have at that time was the right state of mind. What I didn't tell most people was that my anxiety was literally making me sick. Every morning for almost two months I woke up, if I slept at all in a panic, an almost debilitating panic that made me sick to my stomach and nauseous. I threw up multiple times almost every morning. I could barely get my kids ready for fact many mornings that responsibility rested solely on my husband. I could have continued on, but the weight on my shoulders was just more than I wanted to carry so I reluctantly told my sponsor I had decided to stop, and returned my kit for a full refund. It was an instant weight lifted off my back, but it didn't solve my real problem. From then, I was determined to find a way to peace. I wanted to rest, enjoy my family, write, and look for ways to focus on God and the true blessings that He gives me each day. I wanted to help others struggling. I wanted to be a better wife and mom. I wanted to feel good.
  I have not accomplished all I wanted to in this year, but I am happy to say that I have made some steps in the right direction. I have been more open. I have accepted help, and I have even talked to a medical professional which helped me find a prescription that has offered some relief. I feel best when I spend time in the word, and focus on all of the wonderful things in my life. I still struggle with having the energy to do what I wanted to do. My house is often a mess. My kids argue multiple times a day and sometimes, I don't have the energy to properly help them work through their conflicts, and I find myself getting irritated over things that should not bother me at all.
  I have found a product that I believe will help me over this hump, and I am excited that because of the fairly risk free business model, I am able to promote this business that is changing peoples lives without letting the success of a business consume me. I want to succeed, but more than that, I want to find a way to feel more alive, to have more energy, and a better state of mind. I want clarity of the mind and body. I want to have the motivation and desire to get up and move more, and tackle my day to day task with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I want to keep up with my boys and my students without feeling so drained. I just want more, and I want to help others find the more that they are looking for as well. So...Here's to new beginnings!

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